Blood Sugar Breakthrough

scientists find the earth’s most effective BLOOD SUGAR Protocol

"Natures Metformin" Lowers Blood Sugar In Days With Few If Any side Effects...

Especially Effective If You Are 50,60,70 or Older...

Today I Have Great News: There’s an improved version of a “Nature's Metformin” An alkaloid as powerful as a drug to instantly combat Your rising blood sugar, high cholesterol, nerve pain and more ... Backed by stacks of scientific studies.

Answer Honestly - Are You consuming too much sugar Each & Every day? 

If So, That Sugar Has Deadly Consequences

Let's start here...

Let me ask you ...
Do you know anyone who can eat just ONE Oreo?

Me either.

One ... two ... three Oreos is just a warm up for 4 or 5, even 8 more!

And you and I are hardly alone.

The fact is, our bodies LOVE and crave sugar ... 

Almost exactly like drug addicts love cocaine ...
And as you’ll see in a minute, I’m not kidding.

As much as we love it, sugar has a VERY dark and destructive side ...
  • Sugar is the underlying cause of a silent and deadly diabetes epidemic that claimed an estimated 6.7 million lives worldwide last year – more than the death toll from the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Sugar consumption and diabetes are BOTH on the march, with medical experts predicting that 1 in 3 of us will have diabetes by 2050!
  • And today ... The CDC estimates that a whopping 34.5% of U.S. adults have PREdiabetes ...
  • ​And 10.5% of all Americans have diabetes, making it a leading chronic disease in our country.

And Here’s What’s Really Scary ... Of Those With Diabetes, 21.4% Haven’t Even Been Diagnosed Yet.

You May Not Even Know Your Blood Sugar Is DANGEROUSLY High

That’s right, their bodies are overloaded with too much sugar — that’s leading them to deadly diabetes — and they don't even know it!

Look what top healthcare experts say ...

“Diabetes is a pandemic of unprecedented magnitude spiraling out of control.” - IDF President, Professor Andrew Boulton.

He adds ...“Globally, more than one in 10 adults are now living with diabetes. Moreover, there’s a growing list of countries where one in five, or even more of the adult population has diabetes.”

Arch G. Mainous III, Ph.D., a professor in the Department of Health Services Research, Management and Policy at the University of Florida said...

“Our goal should be to prevent diabetes, not just manage it after a patient develops it.”
And that means getting our massive sugar intake under control. Because nearly ALL of this is directly related to SUGAR — SO. MUCH. SUGAR.

But guess what, despite these expert warnings, our sugar consumption is not slowing at all. It’s getting worse.

And it’s not even your fault!

Sugar not only occurs naturally in ALL foods that contain carbohydrates, even fruits and vegetables, grains and dairy ... But it’s also in almost EVERYTHING YOU EAT.
You can’t escape it. Because ...

The Sugar Industry Is Extremely Powerful! And They’re In Business To Make Billions Of Dollars — NOT Keep You Healthy.

Like Drug Cartels, They Want You Addicted

For decades sugar barons have been getting massively wealthy selling sugar anywhere they can. And you can bet they want to keep it that way! They’ll do anything to trick you into eating MORE sugar.

Get this ...

In the 1960s, the sugar industry tried to get the attention off of them by funding research that downplayed the risks of sugar, and highlighted the hazards of fat instead, according to an article in JAMA Internal Medicine.

And in the 1970s, scientists began to speak out about the connection between sugar with illnesses like obesity and diabetes ...

So the Sugar Association— an industry trade group—ran a successful PR campaign that led the American Heart Association and the American Diabetes Association to approve sugar as part of a healthy diet!


Today’s food companies are like the tobacco companies when they came under fire for trying to convince us that smoking was OK — And even good for you — Even as thousands of people lay dying of painful lung cancer.

The tremendous amount of evidence about the serious health implications of sugar is staggering.

It’s so bad, it’s been called a “terror from within” by experts.

Of The 600,000+ Food Products In The U.S. ... An Unbelievable 80% Have Added Sugar!

You literally can’t escape it.

And the sad human reality of all this sugar... The U.S. government says half a TRILLION dollars is spent annually to treat diabetes-related health problems.

Harvard Medical School reported, “... problems occur when you consume too much 'added sugar' — That is, sugar that food manufacturers add to products to increase flavor or extend shelf life.”

In the American diet, the top sources of added sugar are soft drinks, fruit drinks, flavored yogurts, cereals, cookies, cakes, candy, and most processed foods.

But the list doesn’t end there. Added sugar is also in foods you may not think of as sweetened, like soups, bread, cured meats, and ketchup.

The result: We consume FAR too much 'added sugar' — Because it’s almost impossible to avoid.

Adult men take in an average of 24 teaspoons of added sugar per day, according to the National Cancer Institute. That's equal to 384 calories!

And again, the result ...

"Excess sugar's impact on obesity and diabetes is well documented, but one area that may surprise many men is how their taste for sugar can have a serious impact on their heart health," says Dr. Frank Hu, professor of nutrition at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

"Sugar Acts Like Poison In High Doses—And The Amount In Our American Diets Has Gone Beyond Toxic" ...

Says Robert Lustig, M.D., a neuroendocrinologist at the University of California at San Francisco School
of Medicine.


He continues ... “Our earliest ancestors likely downed about 20 teaspoons of sugar ... per year. The body made its own glucose—an ingredient in sugar and the "energy of life" that powers your every cell— by breaking down healthy fats, proteins, and complex carbs.”

Only 20 teaspoons per YEAR. Which is less than we eat in a day now...

The typical American now swallows the equivalent of 22 sugar cubes every 24 hours. That means the average woman eats 70 pounds—nearly half her weight—of straight sugar every year.

"Sugar consumption is now an epidemic ..."The long-term effects will be staggering."...

Says Mark Hyman, M.D., author of The Blood Sugar Solution 10-Day Detox Diet.

He goes on to say... We're sweetening ourselves sick, yet screaming for more. Why? Because we're seriously hooked. Research shows that hyper-sweet foods may be as addictive as the hardest-to-quit

And it’s getting so much worse...

Back in 2014, the American Medical Association called sugar U.S. consumption an emerging epidemic... and now ... almost 10 years later we are absolutely there.

But as you can see, it’s not all about willpower. There’s a crime being committed against all of us.

Now, Listen To This Mind-Blowing Research, Exposing The "deadly Nature" Of High Blood Sugar

Sugar Is More Addictive Than Cocaine...

James DiNicolantonio, a cardiovascular researcher at St. Luke's Mid-America Heart Institute in Kansas City, MO recently published a comprehensive review of dozens of studies ...

He says that refined sugar is similar to COCAINE ...
Yes, your brain lights up with sugar just like it does with cocaine. And studies show it can be even MORE addictive than the recreational drug!

He adds... “The government subsidizes corn, so high fructose corn syrup is cheaper than sugar, and that's why it's so ubiquitous in our diets. They need to start subsidizing healthy foods. We shouldn't be able to eat a Snickers bar for cheaper than we can eat an apple."

Now, I could keep going on and on and on about how explosively dangerous our U.S. sugar problem is.
As you see, these nationally-regarded doctors and researchers are not calling it a mere “problem” ...

They use terms like ... Epidemic, addiction, terror, and poison.

The crazy thing is, all the raging health problems excess sugar is causing — especially diabetes — Are all preventable.

BUT you HAVE to get all this dangerous, added sugar OUT of your body before it harms you, or harms you even more than it already has.

So if you’re reading this because you or a loved one are already in trouble and dangerous blood sugar issues have already reared their ugly head and are affecting your health...

Yes! Sugar Is A Silent Killer

Then You MUST Keep Reading To See What You Can Do To Combat High blood Sugar And Save Your Life!

Because there IS something you can do about it — thank goodness!

Unless you’re ready to — not just give up sugar — but ALL foods that contain sugar, which is almost everything these days ...
I have something very exciting for you. Along with proof that it’s your ONLY safe and most effective option.

But first, you have to understand what’s happening in your body with the massive amount of sugar being constantly loaded into it ...

Just like a part of your car that suddenly fails from overuse... Blood sugar issues can pop up for anyone, at any time.

And it ALL has to do with your aging pancreas ... and your body’s ability to constantly break down massive amounts of sugar (Glucose).
You see, in healthy people, after eating any food or meal with sugar, it’s broken down into a simple sugar known as glucose.

Glucose then circulates in your blood where it waits to enter your cells to be used as fuel.

This “cell-feeding” process happens ONLY with the help of insulin, a special hormone that is produced by your pancreas — and is your body’s key sugar regulator and processor.

But... Suddenly, one day your aging pancreas does NOT produce enough insulin.

And that’s when your blood sugar levels go crazy.

Without Enough Insulin, Your Blood Gets Overloaded With An Unhealthy Amount Of Toxic Sugar

And because all your glucose is stuck in your bloodstream and can’t get out— Your cells become starved of the glucose that they desperately need.

Which means every one of your organs and tissues begins to suffer damage.

This is especially true after you purposely eat a lot of carbs and sugar...
Because when you eat sugar-loaded carbs and sugary foods, AND your pancreas isn’t producing enough insulin, your body gets so overloaded with excess sugar that it simply can’t handle it ...

Causing your blood sugar levels to spike, and then plummet. So you feel symptoms with both low AND high blood sugar levels.

That’s why diabetics constantly have to monitor their blood, and then take insulin shots to regulate their blood sugar levels, which manually does the work of their pancreas.
And if they don’t... They soon feel weak, dizzy, and sweaty. And can even pass out. Plus they gain weight, develop blurry eyesight, poor circulation, and more.

It may sound like not a HUGE deal... But for your body, this situation is horrible. This blood sugar imbalance can also lead to many other troubling health problems that affect your nerves, your heart, your circulation, your ability to heal fast, and your energy levels, and can even lead to amputation or death.

And according to WebMD, by simply having excessively high blood sugar, you INCREASE your premature
death risk by a whopping 15%.

These Dangerous Health Problems, Paired With Our massive sugar addiction Is Why Americans Are Spending More On Blood Sugar Drugs Than Ever.

High Blood Sugar Diagnosis KEEP Growing Each Year

They need to do something... And they think a drug is the only answer! Because it’s the ONLY solution doctors have to help a person with unbalanced blood sugar.

That’s why you’ve seen even famous people like Penny Marshall, Johnny Cash, Jackie Robinson, and dozens of others — with all their millions of dollars and access to top health care — STILL dying of diabetes.

Because the drugs they’re taking, even with changes to their diet — are NOT solving the problem of too much sugar.

So I hate to say it, but doctors are wrong ...

It’s NOT the only option.

In Fact, There Is A Better Option... A Natural Compound That Rivals The Top Blood Sugar Drugs That Works Very Similarly. But Without The Terrible Side Effects.

And It Is 1/10th The Cost Of Blood Sugar Drugs

But before I tell you what this amazing solution is ... and how to get it ...

I need to be honest about my own past...

You see, my early career was built on the "dark side" of health care.

I was a respected healthcare executive, and for years I made my way up through the ranks, running hospitals for some of the biggest corporations in the world.

My last role was as CEO at a hospital group that billed over $1 Billion a year.

And that’s when I realized how “dark” and rotten corporate medicine is...

I learned that YOUR poor health puts BIG smiles on THEIR faces.

I was naive. I thought my job was all about helping sick and hurt people get better.

But I was shocked at how wrong I was!

your high blood sugar represents billions in annual profit for big pharma...

Frankly, Your Sugar Addiction Is A Profit Center

Maybe none of that surprises you — Because you’ve seen evidence of this yourself. But it should bother you. And it gets worse...

Many of my hospitals would host clinical research and human clinical studies. Research scientists would bring us pharma drugs AND effective, cutting-edge natural healing compounds ...

And then propose human clinical testing.
But I started to notice an alarming trend...

100% of the time I watched powerful natural compounds (With flawless safety records) get denied validation regardless of the clinical backing.

So they were never used to help patients.

These better, safer natural compounds were systematically booted in lieu of a big-profit pharmaceutical.

I could not believe it.

Then One Day I Dug Into One Of The Many Submitted Ingredients On My Own, And What I Found Just Blew My Mind...

Top Notch Research Had Been Buried By Big Pharma

Based on international clinical testing, the ingredient I was evaluating had enormously valid research backing, even more than the pharmaceuticals had.

It even showed higher effectiveness.

So, I looked at other eliminated trials...

And it was the same thing over and over again...

Clinically valid natural compounds, killed off, with no explanation.

While the chemical-based pharmaceutical version (with dangerous, documented side effects) was kept, and eventually became an expensive drug.

All are controlled by Big Pharma. And the doctors and hospital executives just went along with whatever they said. 

No questions asked ...

And For Only ONE Reason... HUGE Money... BILLIONS For Both The Drug Companies And The Hospital.

Your Deadly Sugar Issue Is Big Business...

And THAT is why your doctor will never help you get better with anything but a drug. That’s just how it is all over the U.S.

So, unfortunately, that was the beginning of the end of my corporate healthcare career. I left my seven-figure salary job so I could dedicate my life to actually helping sick people — with safe, effective alternatives to drugs.

Since then, I’ve used my vast healthcare knowledge for your good.

I created a company that ONLY produced and distributed powerful, natural ingredients with valid clinical proof of effectiveness ...

…100% produced in America by the most stringent manufacturing standards in the world.

So, as you read about how to get a handle on your blood sugar problem, please understand my motivation...

Big Pharma has made BILLIONS from diabetes drugs, regardless of their side effects.

And they have worked hard to hide natural solutions that actually work in your body the right way.

So with that in mind, remember, what I have for you today is...

Since then, I’ve used my vast healthcare knowledge for your good.
I created a company that ONLY produced and distributed powerful, natural ingredients with valid clinical proof of effectiveness ...

…100% produced in America by the most stringent manufacturing standards in the world.

So, as you read about how to get a handle on your blood sugar problem, please understand my motivation...
Big Pharma has made BILLIONS from diabetes drugs, regardless of their side effects.

And they have worked hard to hide natural solutions that actually work in your body the right way.

So with that in mind, remember, what I have for you today is...

The Safe & effective Alternative To Big Pharma’s Unsafe, Chemical Solution To Unbalanced Blood Sugar — And All The Problems It Can Cause You.

Lower Your Blood Sugar With No Side Effects

This remedy is JUST as effective for dealing with sky-high blood sugar and low insulin— WITHOUT terrible side effects.

Personally, I believe this can change your life and get the excess sugar out of your blood. So you don’t have to worry about it.

And by the end of this report, I KNOW you’ll feel exactly the same.

Now that I have set the stage, let’s get back to you...
I have literally the most powerful answer to today’s blood-sugar-wrecking, symptom-causing sugar epidemic.

It will put any Big Pharma pill to shame, because it works as well, when compared side-by-side, and solves this serious blood sugar problem without any harm to your health.

PLUS, it has some VERY attractive and exciting side benefits that I know you’ll love!

This single compound, Berberine, as I said, is literally Mother Nature’s gift to us today... It is a Savior Compound to save us from the sugar epidemic that is causing diabetes to rage across America.
Berberine is a bioactive alkaloid compound found in various plants and several shrubs. It has been used for hundreds of years in Ayurvedic and Traditional Chinese Medicine to treat a variety of health issues.

In fact, it is so intriguing to researchers that...

Berberine Has Been The Subject Of Over 14,000 Published Clinical Studies. That Is A Lot Of Evidence!

It May Be the Most Researched Natural Ingredient In History...

Its most powerful effect, as researchers have found, is that Berberine has a powerful and dramatic blood-sugar-lowering effect.

According to HEALTHLINE, Berberine has very impressive health benefits and affects your body at the molecular level.

As I mentioned earlier, high blood sugar levels from your sugar-loaded diet can contribute to diabetes and prediabetes from either decreased insulin production or decreased sensitivity to insulin.

This wreaks havoc on your entire body.

Now, how do you know if you are definitely part of today’s sugar epidemic, and in danger...

Here are 9 sure-fire warning signs that your blood sugar is off balance and needs to be brought under control — FAST...

Do Any of These Sound Like You?

WARNING SIGN #1: You feel tired and sluggish after eating. This may be “normal’ after a big, heavy meal with lots of carbs. But if it happens a lot, your body is sending you a message.

WARNING SIGN #2: You CRAVE carbs. Carbs are loaded with sugar, salt, and fat, and break down quickly. Your body craves carbs as a fast hit of energy, but then, ultimately results in a dramatic crash in your blood sugar levels.

WARNING SIGN #3: You’re overweight. Most pre-diabetics carry excess weight due to sugar cravings, eating excess sugar, and storing it as fat.

WARNING SIGN #4: You have excess belly fat. Added pounds around the midsection are directly associated with insulin resistance and prediabetes.

WARNING SIGN #5: You have high blood pressure. High blood pressure, when linked to excess weight gain (especially around the middle) and fatigue is a classic sign.

WARNING SIGN #6: You need to pee ... a lot. If your body doesn’t make enough insulin, it builds up in your bloodstream and comes out in your urine. It also causes excess thirst.

WARNING SIGN #7: You’re 45 or older. Diabetes risk goes up with age, so the American Diabetes Association recommends getting screened every three years or more starting at age 45.

WARNING SIGN #8: Your vision is blurry. High blood sugar levels cause glucose to build up in the lens of your eyes, making it hard for you to focus.

WARNING SIGN #9: You’re a sugar addict. Though not a direct cause of diabetes, too much sugar can lead to excess weight, which is often associated with diabetes.

If You Have At Least 2 Of These Warning Signs, Then It’s Time For Action! And Berberine Will Be Your Best Friend!

Here Are The Benefits You Can Expect...

For starters, clear animal research shows that Berberine can help lower blood sugar levels in 7 different ways. Including by:
  • Increasing insulin sensitivity... Which allows your cells to use blood glucose more effectively, reducing your blood sugar.
  • Promoting insulin production... So you have higher levels needed to break down sugar.
  • Regulating metabolism... So your body operates and burns fat and sugar at a steady rate.
  • ​Increasing the breakdown of glucose... So it doesn’t build up and overload your body.
  • ​Reducing glucose production in the liver... So it doesn’t turn into fat.
  • ​Increasing nitric oxide (NO) production... Which helps widen arteries and boost blood flow.
  • Slowing carbohydrate absorption from the gut... So less sugar is absorbed into your blood.
Beyond this... Several studies of people with type 2 diabetes have shown that taking 600–2,700 mg of Berberine daily can lower fasting and long-term blood sugar levels by up to 20% and 12%, respectively, especially when taken with blood sugar medication.

Similarly, a review of 14 studies found that Berberine lowered blood sugar levels, and appeared to be as effective as common blood sugar medications, including Metformin, Avandia, and Glipizide.

Did You Get That? A Whopping 14 Studies Concluded That Berberine Lowered Blood Sugar Levels As Well As Medication From A Doctor.

Yet! Not A Single Reported Side Effect

So if your body is overloaded with sugar, you can get the same blood sugar balancing effect you desperately need — safely — without any side effects!

Absolutely astounding.

If you’re caught up in this sugar epidemic, and you KNOW the hard reality of high blood sugar has already arrived or is coming to get you or someone you love ...
Berberine is the single most powerful, safest blood-sugar-regulating compound you can use. BUT...

Here’s the one problem for those who need to manage their blood sugar with Berberine...

Berberine tastes awful. Really bad.
It’s so bitter, and leaves such a bad taste in your mouth, that many people who are really desperate to use it, can’t even stomach it.

Until now...

We found the answer. And solved the problem 100% in our best-selling AND pleasant-tasting Berberine-powered formula, Liponine™.

Liponine™ contains a full clinical dose of Berberine, PLUS ...

We Took Away The Berberine Bad Taste COMPLETELY So You’ll Never Have To Worry About It.

This means you get the full, blood-sugar balancing power of all-natural Berberine without the bad taste issues. In fact, people tell us it tastes great!

Not only that, we use a patented process to deliver 100% of the Berberine into your body for maximum health benefits.

Now, the Berberine story gets even better...

Liponine™ With Berberine Was Created Using Our Patented Dual Polar™ Extraction Method For Maximum Active Ingredient Concentration.

This Means Maximum Blood Sugar Benefit

Because of this, when you take a dropper dose of Liponine™ with Berberine, you get 100% of the Berberine you paid for, need, and deserve to help with your sugar overload.

Too many products you take deliver only a small fraction of the active ingredient — and are only minimally effective.
Not with Liponine™.

The development took years to perfect ... Because we needed to create a full spectrum extraction process for easy use and fast absorption.
This process led to a patented active ingredient extraction method we call “Dual Polar Extraction” that now powers one of the world's most effective dietary supplements.

Here’s how it works...

Raw Berberine is mixed with a precise blend of extraction solvents that separate the active compounds from the plant matter.

These solvents have "magnet-like" qualities separating the blood-sugar-lowering compounds from the plant matter directly into a suspended liquid.
And here’s the cool part...

This liquid contains other beneficial compounds I’ll tell you about in a minute. It is a full spectrum extraction of all 64 indole alkaloids found inside Berberine.

Many of these are believed to have their own undiscovered health qualities.

Once extracted, a proprietary version of liquid piperine is added to increase bioavailability by up to 3,000%.

This Means It Will Absorb Into Your System 3,000% Easier Than Normal Berberine Pills.

Then the process is finished by adding a 100% natural flavor so taking it daily is a pleasant experience.

That’s it, no other additives or preservatives.

This raw and powerful liquid Berberine is ready to absorb and begin balancing your blood sugar.

There is no other product in the entire world that contains this powerful and clinically proven, blood-sugar-lowering ingredient with this patented process.

No one else has it.

You are making history by using great-tasting Liponine™ with powerful Berberine and its patented extraction system and absorption power.

So if you KNOW you have a sugar overload problem...

And it has been an ongoing problem that you hope to avoid without a prescription...

And if you already feel the effects of a blood sugar imbalance, dizziness, weight gain, poor vision, or even swollen, burning, or itching feet and legs due to nerve damage...

Liponine™ can help in a BIG way.

And here’s another reason to jump on this right away...

You see after Berberine safely sets your blood sugar in order...

Berberine Also Acts As A “Cheat Code” To Help You Lose A Massive Amount Of Extra Weight.

Body Fat Literally Melts Off The Body

That’s right, nothing is better than this amazing plant, which plays a role in healthy blood sugar regulation, AND weight control.

Studies have compared it to Metformin... Which is unarguably the most popular and effective weight loss drug today.
And in fact, Metformin started out as a drug to combat diabetes...

It was a true breakthrough though for diabetics, as it decreased glucose production, decreased absorption of glucose, and improved insulin sensitivity by increasing glucose uptake and utilization.

Then, additional research found that Metformin can also increase the GLP-1 hormone, which suppresses your appetite and can lead to considerable weight loss.
They found that users had an increase in this hormone that tells your body when it’s full, and should stop eating, so you feel less hungry.

And if you recall what I mentioned earlier, Berberine has a very similar effect.

So not only can it help your body process glucose better ...

It Plays A Role In Reducing Fat Accumulation In Your Body, Making It Harder For You To Gain Weight.

Imagine Getting Leaner By The Day...

So, now, if you KNOW you’re going to cheat on your efforts to eat less sugar or lose weight, Berberine has your back 100%!

If looking at your naked body in the mirror is awkward and uncomfortable, and you don’t love what you see...

Or you have stubborn trouble spots on your face, arms, waist, bottom, or thighs, that drive you crazy...

And you know there is a thinner person trapped in a pudgy body...

Berberine has been proven by top scientists to help you. In fact...

Berberine Is So Fascinating, It Has Been Intensively Studied more Than Any Other Fat Burner in history

Yet, The General Public Is Totally Unaware...

Studies like this at the Avera Institute for Human Genetics...

Where, along with five other prominent institutions, they conducted a 12-week study where they evaluated the efficacy of Berberine as a weight loss compound.

Previously, this study group had concluded that Berberine prevented fat accumulation.

This study chose 92 obese people who were given 500mg of Berberine orally three times a day for twelve weeks.

No other changes were made regarding diet or activity levels.

After twelve weeks they had lost an average of 5 pounds, which is considered substantial.

Plus, they saw an incredible improvement in blood lipid levels (23% decrease in triglyceride and 12.2% decrease in cholesterol).

The researchers believe that weight loss is caused by improved function of fat-regulating hormones, such as insulin, adiponectin, and leptin.

Additional Research Has Shown That Berberine Can Inhibit The Growth Of Fat Cells At The Molecular Level...

Yes, It Literally Blocks Fat Accumulation...

The Shanghai Institute of Endocrinology proved that Berberine inhibited the growth of adipose or “fat” cells within the molecules.

And one more...

Similar results were confirmed by the Handong Global University. Their study found that Berberine has anti-adipogenic effects, which means it inhibits fat growth.
Their researchers believe this is achieved by Berberine’s ability to reduce fat enzymes.

Overall, the studies concluded that Berberine is a very powerful alkaloid with the potential to burn fat and block fat accumulation without any change in diet or exercise.

These studies should be very exciting to you — especially if you need to lower your blood sugar, eat less sugar, AND want to shed a few pounds along the way.
Now, Berberine just doesn’t know when to quit...

Because it does even more for your body and health...

Berberine Can Also Help Lower Your Dangerous Cholesterol ...

Many of us trying to control our blood sugar also want to lose weight and are often hampered with high cholesterol.

High cholesterol is no joke. If your doctor sees elevated levels in your blood panel, they will automatically try to put you on a cholesterol-lowering drug ASAP.

That’s because it’s a MAJOR risk factor — indicating clogged arteries — for the most serious heart problems, which is the world's leading killer every year.

The good news is, according to 11 recent clinical studies, Berberine is excellent at promoting healthy cholesterol. It was shown to...
  • Lower total cholesterol by 0.61 mmol/L (24 mg/dL).
  • Lower LDL cholesterol by 0.65 mmol/L (25 mg/dL).
  • Lower blood triglycerides by 0.50 mmol/L (44 mg/dL).
  • Raise HDL cholesterol by 0.05 mmol/L (2 mg/dL).
These studies were evaluated by the highly respected Institute of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine ...

They designed a systematic review to assess the safety of Berberine and its effects on blood lipid profiles.

This review was undertaken and reported in accordance with the PRISMA statement, which is the gold standard in clinical review reporting.

After filtering, eleven controlled trials (with 874 participants) were included in this study.

Again, no dietary or physical activity changes were noted.

The final analysis showed that administration of Berberine produced a significant reduction in total cholesterol, triglycerides, and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels, with a remarkable increase in high-density lipoprotein.

And of course, no serious adverse effects of Berberine were reported.

After clinical analysis, scientists conclude that Berberine works by inhibiting an enzyme called PCSK9.

This leads to more LDL being removed from the bloodstream.

In conclusion, Berberine can be a powerful, drug-free way to naturally maintain healthy cholesterol levels.

And One Last MAJOR benefit From Berberine Could Be A Life Saver For You...

Say Goodbye To Life Altering Nerve Pain

You see, Berberine is also perfect for helping to clear up any nerve pain or neuropathy you may suffer from having high blood sugar.
As you may know, neuropathy is the most painful complication of diabetes. This happens when high blood sugar levels damage the small blood vessels that feed the nerves in your body — especially in your hands, feet, and legs.

This stops essential nutrients from reaching your nerves. As a result, the nerve fibers become damaged, and very painful ...

That’s when you begin to feel burning, itching, swelling, numbness, cold, tightness, and aches in your feet and legs — day and night.
So when you take care of your high blood sugar issues, another effect will be more leg and foot comfort, as the pressure is taken off those blood vessels and nerves.

Your Legs And Feet Will Thank You! And Your Mobility Will Improve Greatly As You Are Finally Out Of "Sugar Induced" Pain

Honestly, I could go on all day about Berberine. It’s amazing, as you can see. I’ll say it again, NOTHING on this earth is better at naturally reducing blood sugar levels — and more— based on thousands of clinical studies.

So I’ll end on this one last thing...

All Berberine is NOT created equal…

Other cheap supplements will tout their Berberine content without mentioning that their source is FAR less potent than ours.

It took our research and development team nearly twelve months to evaluate over 2,000 species of the Berberis plant to find THE MOST potent source.

After an exhaustive search, the answer was VERY CLEAR.

The bark of the plant Berberis Vulgaris is, according to a study by the Department of Pharmaceutical Botany, the single strongest source of berberine alkaloids known to man.

The study found that this plant contains a substantially larger amount of the active alkaloid than other plants in the Berberis family.

Alkaloids are a class of naturally occurring, nitrogen-containing bases found in the root, rhizome, and stem bark of the plant. Because the bark is the strongest source, that’s the source we used for Liponine™.

Now, before I tell you what else we added to Liponine™ to help you...

I Need To Stop For A Minute And Tell You About Medical Scientist Clint Winters. This Is Important. And You’ll See Why...

Clint is our resident natural health expert and scientist. And the genius who created Liponine™ and dozens of other highly-regarded health formulas.

You probably know him from inventing the fastest growing natural pain reliever in the world, conolidine. 

He is especially knowledgeable when it comes to blood sugar control and weight loss.

In fact, this subject of high blood sugar and weight gain is near and dear to him. Because that is what put him on this path to helping countless people get healthy again.

Medical Scientist Clint Winters Used Liponine™ To Lose Over 100 Pounds & Transform His Physique 

Now, you’d never know it by looking at him today, but at one time Clint was a self-admitted, hopeless sugar addict, and he watched his weight balloon to 315 pounds.

His blood sugar levels were out of control because of the high amount of sugar he ate. So he understands as well as anyone the struggle with sugar addiction and weight gain.

Here’s what he says about Berberine and Liponine™...

“As a sugar addict, I thought about, or hunted for, my next sugar hit all day and night. And until I found the miracle that is Berberine, nothing could get rid of my cravings.”
“It took away my cravings, helped me lose over 100 pounds, and boosted my metabolism so that I was burning 20% more calories a day, and not adding extra fat anymore”.

“The Berberine in Liponine™ is a HUGE advantage to controlling sugar intake and dropping pounds.”

“I urge you to tell your family or anyone who needs this in their life.”
Trust me, Clint knows exactly what you are going through — Because he has been there. And the Berberine in Liponine™ is what completely changed his life.

“It took away my cravings, helped me lose over 100 pounds, and boosted my metabolism so that I was burning 20% more calories a day, and not adding extra fat anymore”.

“The Berberine in Liponine™ is a HUGE advantage to controlling sugar intake and dropping pounds.”
“The Berberine in Liponine™ is a HUGE advantage to controlling sugar intake and dropping pounds.”

“I urge you to tell your family or anyone who needs this in their life.”

Trust me, Clint knows exactly what you are going through — Because he has been there. And the Berberine in Liponine™ is what completely changed his life.

... And the results have gone FAR past him.

For the Past Two Years Liponine™ Has Been Privately Tested On 5,671 Users From Around The US

The Clinical Success Was Stunning...

Let's face it...

The research behind Liponine™ is VERY exciting, right? 

But the human clinical testing is where the rubber meets the road.

Frankly, that is all that matters, right?

Who cares what science says if you can't feel a noticeable benefit.

Liponine™ was first introduced from the lab in 2021.

The finished product went into immediate human clinical testing, where it stayed for years. 

To date, over 5,671 users have experience the amazing benefits of Liponine™.

Lower blood sugar and SHREDDED fat. 

Below, you will read just a FEW of the AMAZING user reports.

The success has been incredible.

You will find even more at the bottom of the page.

Here are a few I think you need to see...

But We Didn't Stop There...

When Formulating The Latest Liponine™, We Wanted The Absolute Best For You. Far Better Than Whatever Anyone Considered “The Best.”

So we went looking for clinically proven compounds to boost Berberine’s power even higher. And there was only one choice...

Curcumin comes from Turmeric, and can also help in controlling diabetes. Studies show it does this by reducing blood sugar levels and increasing insulin sensitivity.

And like Berberine, it can also prevent weight gain...

Studies evaluated the effects of curcumin on obesity. Including one study that randomly assigned 44 people to either take curcumin or a placebo...
Compared with those who took a placebo, the people who took curcumin saw a significant decrease in body weight, body fat, waistline and hip circumference, and BMI.

Researchers concluded that curcumin promotes weight management in overweight people.

Plus, it also acts as a natural anti-inflammatory and pain reliever, helping especially with joint pain.

And lastly, it boosts your anti-oxidant power to combat toxins in your body that break down and age your cells.

Curcumin is the perfect compliment to Berberine to maximize the effects you are looking for... Especially better sugar management in your body and weight loss.

Then we took one more important step...

We Added Green Tea Extract Because It Contains Super Antioxidants That Detoxify Your Body & Natural Caffeine For Daily Focus

Plus, It Is A Known Fat Burner

Pure Green Tea is like adding more dry wood to your internal "Fat Burning Furnace.” It maximizes your thermogenic fat-burning activity, which means your fat-burning process “burns hotter” 24/7 and more efficiently.

Of course, Green tea has been clinically shown to quickly activate your body's thermogenic fat-burning activity...
In a recent study, green tea powder was taken for 12 weeks significantly reducing people's total fat area, waist circumference, skinfold thickness, and subcutaneous fat!

Green tea is a vital ingredient to optimize every single second of fat-burning for you!

Additionally, a little-known fact is that Green Tea Extract is the absolute most effective and healthy focus stimulant in the world...

This has been tested over and over in head-to-head clinical trials ... Showing that it allows your brain to focus without any nasty side effects.
Green tea extract is the purest and most potent “Focus Factor’ for two important reasons:
  • It contains NATURAL caffeine
  • It contains the super nutrient, L-theanine
There is no doubt that caffeine helps you focus and improves your alertness. This has been well established.

However, The L-Theanine In Green Tea Is A Game Changer!

Feel Focused & Great All Day Long With Energy & Focus

It’s been shown to “increase alpha-wave activity,” which increases tranquility and releases caffeine more slowly, instead of all at once, so there’s NO crashing for you.

Green tea naturally and safely turns up your body’s fat-burning furnace while ensuring you’re focused and feeling great!

But that’s not all. Green tea also:
  • Gives you added antioxidant power
  • Give you Heart and Brain Benefits
  • ​Helps along side Berberine to Lower Blood Sugar
The bottom line is: With Green Tea added to Berberine and Curcumin ... Your body can become a 24/7/365 lean, mean blood sugar-regulating and fat-burning machine.

Your sugar overload will be dealt with before it leads to bigger and more dangerous health problems.

Your hunger for sugar and carbs will plummet, helping you eat less sugar to tax your pancreas and help you slim down with fewer calories.

As this happens, any nerve pain or mobility complications you have ... Burning, itching, swelling, numbness, spider veins, tightness and more can subside.

And other issues like poor vision, high cholesterol, dizziness, and more won’t have to be part of your life
any more.

Now that you have seen the complete Liponine™ formula...

I Want To Remind You That This Dynamic Formula Is In An Advanced SubNano™ Drop Form...

Maximum Absorption & Bioavailability

It was created using our patented Dual Polar™ extraction for maximum active ingredient concentration.
It was created using our patented Dual Polar™ extraction for maximum active ingredient concentration.

So you get every single last bit of beneficial compound you deserve.

And you can absolutely feel a difference when you take Liponine™.

And the key is maximizing the compounds in Berberine, Curcumin, and Green Tea.
Along with the drops that you put under your tongue, we also added D-Limonine and liquid Piperine to help dramatically with maximum absorption.

The question now is: How can you afford NOT to take Liponine™?

It’s So Easy... Every Day When You Wake Up, Simply Squeeze A Dropper Full Of Liponine™ Under Your Tongue And Hold It There For A Few Seconds.

The beneficial Sub Nano™ particles are so small they travel directly and instantly into your bloodstream.

All of a sudden, all the sugar you eat, on purpose or not, will NOT have the same effect.

You’ll feel it in your overall health, as you leave those symptoms behind, and your body deals with sugar effectively — like it used to.

You will be one of the smart ones who is NOT caught up in America’s destructive Sugar Shockwave anymore.
You need Liponine™ perhaps more than anything else today! And you know it.

And Rest Assured, Our Attention To Manufacturing Detail Is Crazy...

Every bottle of Liponine™ is made in small batches at our GDR Labs™ facility in Atlanta, Georgia.

I created Game Day Ready (GDR Labs™) after spending over a year researching and vetting the top manufacturing companies in the world ...

I found that many were good, but most were not great.

Many had HUGE production capacities, but they used foreign facilities which made me uncomfortable.
So I created my own. Now our GDR Labs™ laboratory is state-of-the-art and GMP-validated.

We ONLY produce our own products, and our procedures are seasoned.

For years we have privately manufactured formulas for the top athletes and sports organizations worldwide.

And our focus is top-tier manufacturing and quality, not mass production.
Obviously, these are important benefits.

However, I also insisted on 100% American manufacturing. Every aspect of our operation, even customer service, is in Atlanta, Georgia, or Nashville, Tennessee.

We do everything ourselves from A to Z.

And we even developed our own method of production which is unique to the world.

It’s the only process I’ve ever seen that guarantees freshness in every order.

This is the future of nutraceutical production.

Liponine™ Is 100% American Made

Every Bottle Is Produced In Our Private Atlanta, Georgia Facility — On Demand

GDR Labs™ is entirely vertically integrated, we have our own FDA-registered, audited, third-party certified lab.

We never outsource.

Liponine™ is NOT co-mingled with thousands of other products and active ingredients.

All our employees are hired directly and trained to the highest possible standard.
This is a huge investment that many companies never make.

This is why our product quality is better than anyone on the planet.

Plus, we use a proprietary manufacturing method that guarantees the freshness, which we call PureDemand™.

The PureDemand™ manufacturing process is truly revolutionary in the natural product industry.
We only believe in creating formulas in the most natural and pure state possible, in every order.

Every bottle of Liponine™ is crafted by hand in a GMP-rated laboratory which is held to the highest production standards in the world.

This is why Liponine™ is so consistently fresh and effective.

We have pioneered this proprietary PureDemand™ manufacturing process to ensure you receive the highest quality formula, every time you order.

This type of freshness is NOT available anywhere else.

Here’s how it works…

Our lab manufactures Liponine™ fresh for you at the time of your order. This is much like having a private "Supplement" chef.

We only create products in real-time as orders are received.

This process is called "On Demand" manufacturing.

This Means Your Liponine™ Is Made Just FOR YOU When Your Order Is Placed.

After being produced it’s shipped directly to your door.

There’s no middle man, and it doesn't sit in a warehouse for months gathering dust and degrading in quality.

These cutting-edge production practices are why we are a world leader in the natural health industry, and privately manufacture products for some of the biggest organizations in professional athletics.

No other company in the world can FULLY guarantee this type of freshness and quality.

This type of innovation process has garnered GDR Labs™ some incredible accolades.


You Are Minutes Away From Accessing Liponine™

You’re about to access Liponine™ before the rest of the world.

You see Liponine™ is set for a global retail release in the coming months. 
Then it will hit shelves all over the world

And with the enormous blood sugar problems raging around our country, the buzz is building…

So there is HUGE consumer anticipation.

It is finally time to make all this critical information, and Liponine™, fully public.

So it can help save people like you all over the world.

Once launched, it will be sold in retail locations worldwide for the fair market price of $120 a bottle.
This is a very fair price considering the EXTENSIVE science behind Liponine™ and the exclusive and critical nature of the product.

As you now see, Liponine™ is the most powerful natural blood sugar balancer in history (backed up by incredible science).

And of course, the cost of prescription blood sugar meds is out of this world — especially when you factor in the cost of doctor appointments.

Heck, unproven supplements are selling for $150 or more...

So, Liponine™'s retail price of $120 is a total bargain.

However, today, I have GREAT news for you.

If you’re on this page, you can access Liponine™ before the rest of the world.

And with a huge discount (just for my readers).

And NO expensive doctor visits.

Point Blank ...

I want to make Liponine™ available for pennies, so it is affordable regardless of financial status. 

So I am offering a very limited discount (on this page only).

Now, to be clear, I am the CEO of GDR Labs. 

I am very motivated to see the widespread use of this amazing formula over many years to come.

I want to see millions get past their sugar addiction and the damage it’s doing to their body.

... And I want to see MILLIONS finally lose the unwanted pounds with ease. 

And I KNOW that everyone who buys Liponine™ will tell their friends and family who have the same sugar overload problem — and who need to fix it.

On This Page I Want To Make It As Affordable As Possible, So It Spreads Like Wild Fire.

Your Huge Discount Is Just Below

On this private page, you won't pay $120 ...

As my reader, you’ll bypass all the retail fees.

I am giving you "direct from the manufacturer" pricing ONLY on this private page.

Each bottle shipped right from the lab to you.

On this page only

I am activating a $91 instant credit so you can try Liponine™ for just $29 which is our GDR Labs™ factory direct pricing.

This $91 credit is only active for 60 minutes as the demand spikes.

This product already has a huge amount of anticipation.

Millions of people desperately need this ...

And they are on this page now as well.

So, thousands are reading this page, but I’m only authorizing a few hundred instant credits.

Sadly, 60 minutes is a hard stop.

So, I urge you to jump in now.

When I Apply Your $91 Credit...

you will only pay $29 for the most sought-after, fastest-acting blood sugar regulator in the world.

Try Liponine™ For Less Than $1 Per Day

Your Factory Direct Price: $29 — If you act now.

This is a full 30-day bottle for only $29, which is less than store-bought junk.

On top of all of that, I’ll ship your bottle for FREE — anywhere in the world.

No strings attached, this is a one-time purchase (no subscriptions)

Plus, the process is very simple.

No hoops to jump through.
At the bottom of this page, you’ll see a secure order form that takes only a minute to complete.

Once finished, you will lock in one of the first bottles of Liponine™ offered anywhere in the world.

You Are Really And Truly Part Of Healthy Blood Sugar History!

You Now Have An Iron Tested Weapon

And for only $29, you won’t find a more potent life-saver in the world.

It is hands down the most advanced blood sugar-balancing product brought to market in the last 100 years.

You are paying less than $1 per day for the most potent natural blood sugar balancer in history.

Try For Only .96 Per Dose

$1 a day is WAY less than a cup of coffee.
In fact, it’s less than many things you spend money on daily.

And none of those have the huge potential to improve your life like Liponine™.

You could feel great, ease, or prevent larger damage to your legs and feet.

Let’s be real — You could finally be released from “sugar prison” and get your peace of mind back.

For less than $1 per day, you could FINALLY live without the threat of massive amounts of consumed sugar ruining your health.

Your best years are STILL ahead.

Now, there is actually another way to INCREASE your savings...

Plus, Only On This Page...

You can save as much as $546 on Liponine™

And I will still have it shipped on demand — FREE — directly from GDR Labs™.

Here’s how you can save EVEN more...

By purchasing additional bottles (at no risk) — You’ll boost your total savings.

In fact, I will allow you to purchase up to 6 bottles at a deeply discounted price.

As you know, you will pay $29 for one bottle (You save $91).

However, if you purchase 3 bottles, you will save $273.

And if you purchase 6 bottles, you will save an astounding $546.

Buy One for $29 ea

WAS $120

SAVE $91

Buy Six for $29 ea

WAS $720

SAVE $546

Buy Three for $29 ea

WAS $360

SAVE $273

Why would you buy that many? Because Liponine™ is a daily-use product, and you don’t want to run out.

Again, these are the same bottles you would buy from a high-end retailer at $120 each.

Shipped directly from our lab to your door for no charge.

No strings attached, this is a one-time purchase (no subscriptions)

Plus, the redemption process is very simple, it takes less than 5 minutes.

At the bottom of this page, you will find a secure Order Form that takes only a minute to complete.

Once finished, you’ll lock in one of the first bottles of Liponine™ offered anywhere in the world.

For only $29 you simply can not find a more potent natural sugar buster and weight loss trigger — It does not exist.

Frankly, nothing else begins to compare.

And I still have a huge surprise ...

You Are Going To Love This...

Upon Purchase Of Liponine™, I Will Send You A $50 Gift Card Towards Any Product, Store Wide...

That’s right, any product ... Even on our global best sellers.

This is huge!

As you now know, GDR Labs™ produces some of the most powerful and effective supplements in the world.

Many of our private formulas were developed solely for aging professional athletes who are looking to regain a competitive and physical advantage.

Powerful health innovations such as ...
  • Nutra IGF™ Natural HGH
  • PhytoTest™ Natural Testosterone
  • ​Sirtuin™ "Youth Gene Activation"
  • ​Conolidine Pain Management
  • ​Carditrol™ Blood Pressure Support
  • ​Wearable FAR Infrared (Joint Healing)
  • ​Clinically Proven Sexual Support
  • ​Patented Skin Creams For Fighting Age
Each bottle is manufactured using the highest quality protocols in the world.

Just imagine what any one of these products could do for your daily life.

As soon as you complete your Liponine™ purchase, we will activate a $50 gift card in your name.
Yours to enjoy — on us.

Plus, this entire transaction is risk-free...

100% Money Back Guarantee...

If Liponine™ doesn’t clear up your dangerous blood sugar issues, we will buy it back, no questions asked.

And you can keep the $50 Gift Card.
Yes, this is 100% serious. This is how much I believe in Liponine™.

When I first announced this policy, my team thought I lost my mind.

Our financial controllers kind of froze up on me.

Heck, I thought I was going to be exiled from speaking to the public anymore.

However, I’m doing it anyway.

Plus, Try Liponine™ 100% Risk Free For A full 90 Days, No Questions Asked...

I want to remove ALL risk from you so you have no reason not to try it now.

Why? Because I know the saving power of Liponine™.

I use it personally, and I have seen it time and time again change lives.

100% Money Back: If Liponine™ does not help get the sugar out of your blood, we will buy your bottle back — And you keep the $50 Gift Card.
To confirm, GDR Labs™ is backing your order of Liponine™ with a 100% money-back guarantee.

.. And Keep Your $50 Gift Card If You Return

Cool, right?

After purchase, you’ll get a full 90 days to use Liponine™ and clean up your sugar-laden blood.

You must use it as directed, every day for the full window of time.

When you do, it will be life-changing, I can say that with TOTAL confidence.

However, if you don't feel the same, no worries.

You don’t risk a dime.

We will buy your inventory back.

And here’s the crazy part...

You can keep your $50 gift card towards our other award-winning formulas only produced in our private lab.

Some of which are only being used by elite professional athletes.

You can choose anything you want.

I’m willing to do this because I know you’ll love Liponine™.

You won't want to return it. Heck, you’ll wish you ordered more!

However, it was important for me to totally remove your risk.

I believe in Liponine™ with everything I have, I know what it can do for you and millions of others.

I want everyone to experience what Clint and I have personally experienced — and spread the word.

And making Liponine™ more affordable on this private page will help that.

To be clear, this is a no-strings-attached offer.

There is no "hidden subscription" or weird "gotcha".

You get access to a highly discounted bottle of Liponine™ (Full 30 Days)

No other requirements past that.

 But Beware: By Leaving This Page, You Risk Missing Out On The Blood Sugar-Regulating Discovery Of The Century.

You Are So Close...

Plus, if you don’t feel powerful relief after 90 days, your entire purchase is backed by the GDR Labs™ 100% Money Back Guarantee (and you keep the gift card).

This is more than a risk-free offer.

If you aren’t happy you’ll receive every single penny back — Plus an EXTRA $50.

You’ll make out like a bandit.

However, I know the truth about this situation.

Liponine™ IS going to work extremely well for you to get your sugar-loaded blood clean again.

And when it DOES work for you, you can have a healthy, symptom-free life.

You won’t want to return it, you will want to learn how to buy as much as you can (I have seen this over and over).

Yes, you are THAT close to perfect health for years to come — regardless of your diet.

That is why NOT giving Liponine™ a chance is your biggest risk of all.

You risk missing out on safe and powerful relief you've never had.

You risk improving the quality of your life and enjoying more.

You risk moments with your family you can ONLY have if you are healthy.

You risk developing serious nerve damage that could lead to amputation.

Don't make this mistake, you may regret it forever.

You are closer than ever to solving your blood sugar problem without side effects.

No more waiting.

You’re one click away...

Hurry, your $91 store credit is expiring soon.

Remember, due to incredible demand your instant store credit is only valid for 60 minutes.

And much of that time is gone already.

In fact, look to the bottom left of the screen, all of those notifications are others who have claimed a discounted bottle.

Remember, this is very limited — After 60 minutes, this page will go dark.

When the clock hits "0" your exclusive access to a Liponine™ credit goes away.

This page will not refresh.

Your access and credit will be 100% gone.

Don't let that happen.

The secure order form is just below

Right now, there are hundreds (Maybe thousands) on this same page clamoring to try Liponine™ at a discount before it’s released to the world.

Your Discount Could Be Gone Any Moment

This page will not refresh.

Your access and credit will be 100% gone.

Don't let that happen.

MSRP: $120

Right now you pay only: $29

*Due to Demand You Are Limited to 6 Bottles

100% Money Back Guarantee

Free Global Shipping

100% American Made

$50 Gift Card Upon Purchase

This order is covered by our 100% Money Back Guarantee
Best of all, it is very simple to use.

Daily use Liponine™ takes just seconds a day to use.

No pills or prescription is needed.

And with the patented SubNANO™ delivery technology — you get maximum absorption.
That means FASTER and MORE POWERFUL results without side effects.

All you have to do is place your daily serving under your tongue and let it sit for up to 60 seconds, then swallow it.

During those 60 seconds, the powerful, pleasant-tasting Berberine alkaloids are absorbed into your bloodstream, helping to regulate your blood sugar for hours.

I promise that when you take Liponine™, you can cross “blood sugar” woes off your list. You’ll be good.

It won’t be a problem anymore.

But, that’s just the beginning of what Berberine in Liponine™ can do for you.

Do the right thing and place your order now.
Discount Applied Below!
Your Discount Has Been Automatically Applied Below
  • No Side Effects - Weight Loss Support
  • ​Non Addictive
  • ​Available OTC
  • ​Extensively Clinically Tested
  • ​Does Not Cause Drowsiness
  • ​​Certified Drug Free
  • ​​Results ​Proven During Clinical Testing

 Ssl secured checkout

Your Order Comes With Free Shipping, Free 90 Purchase Protection Plus a Free $91 Gift Card

Select Your Savings Price
$29 (Save $91)
$87 (Save $273)
$174 (Save $546)

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 Free $50 Gift Card                                                                                                                                                                                                        $0.00
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*By Completing the Form Above and Clicking The "Complete Purchase" Button You Are Acknowledge the Amount Stated

 90 Day Purchase Protection Applied: Your GDR Labs™ purchase comes with complimentary 90 day purchase protection. This means you can return at any time, for any reason during the first 90 days and receive a full refund, no questions asked.
All statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These products are not intended to prevent, cure, treat or diagnose any disease.

Individual results may vary depending on your diet, health, and physical condition. The results shown are not typical, and you may not get the same benefits. However, using health support products and living a healthy lifestyle with proper diet and moderate exercise gives you the best chance at staying healthy and fighting premature aging and other illnesses.

Research indicates that this product/ingredient may provide a health benefit. When the body is supplied with body function support, it is better equipped to keep you healthy. 

Individual results will vary, and you should always consult with your doctor or health professional when taking any supplement or starting any health program.

Endorser Disclaimer: Clint Winters is a scientist and natural health product inventor, not a medical doctor. Nothing he says should be construed as medical advice. Any personal health questions should be directed to your personal physician. Mr. Winters is not compensated on the sale of products from this website. 

By entering your phone number you agree that we may send you text notifications and text marketing offers. If you wish to unsubscribe from receiving text marketing messages and notifications reply with STOP to any mobile message sent from us. You understand and agree that alternative methods of opting out, such as using alternative words or requests will not be accounted as a reasonable means of opting out. Message and data rates may apply.

GameDay Ready Labs, LLC. 1360 Union Hill Road, Building 11 (A & B) Alpharetta, GA 30004